As consulted earlier, lect said that i have to focus back on my concept and the execution because i was stranded away from the main idea.
After meeting and discussing with my cousin,HY, an IT dude, now i got a better idea of my limitations and abilities. But I do not want to restrict myself with the limitations, i want to think of the possibilities because i really wanted a physical representation of the data.
First step is to get the components (still awaiting confirmation from Sgbotic) i wanted and trial & error with the input and output before i can implement the physical part. So for now i will focus on getting the main input, output data to work before thinking about implementing the physical representation (optional).
Presence of the person (heartbeat) > input data > visualize data > output(?)
After much evaluating my capability, for now i shall try to make this works.
Diagram, flowchart, space planning, digital content, storyboard, technical details.
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