Sunday, November 22, 2009

Selected Proposal.

Wormhole and Heartbeats

Scientist have been looking for wormholes, a theoretical tunnel that connecting two different paradigm of points in spaceworld. The 'ingredients' to create the wormhole sounds impossible from our current technology but maybe wormhole already exist, in our very own - cyberspace.

"Cyberspace is the realm of no space: it is a type of wormholes which instantaneously connects realms otherwise geographically distant" (quote from a guy which i forgot the address of the website).

I use the Internet metaphoric as a wormhole, a hypothetical tunnel bridges the web worlds and the real world connecting human a hearbeat away from each other.

Instead of connecting the individual in terms of their geographical locations, my installation will connect the user in the context of their heartbeats.

Just like the internet, a platform like wormhole connecting two different world, bending the time and space of human in cyberworld, a world that full with the richness of information, culturally grounded, dynamically experienced and constructed with data, what makes it workable is because of the journey, the route of millions data that transfer around the Internet, from bits to bytes. Just like the veins in human heart.

Is the space between the human feelings that i want to explore in, the invisible space between two different people that most of us been ignoring.

Wormhole = Internet, Data = Heartbeats

Problem Identification
In this technology driven era, we take advantage of the technology and neglect the basic human to human communication ways. People nowadays are indifference or lack of emotion and feeling towards each other, this phenomenon can be associate with computer. Why? We are like a computer now, we just accept and deliver information, avoid error and hassle. Always looking for the best connectivity with the internet and not the connection between human.

Project Title
Wormhole Communication: Bits to Heartbeats

Ideation & Concept
For my project, i want to create an installation that allows user to input their heatbeats rate and form as an art piece.

Aim & Objectives
- To connect human-human feelings with each other with technology.
- To provoke the emotion of space and time between people.
- To experimental with Benjamin Walter's The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction theories.

I always love to explore on the Internet and human emotion kind of thing. So by doing this installation i think it will strengthen my understanding towards the topic. Besides that, experimenting with the technical part is quite challenging and interesting too. I hope to learn a lot and growth as a digital artist. And the best part is just to have fun in my FYP by doing something i love to do.

I hope to tell my version of the story to the world. :D

"I believe in technology, but I think we need to make it more human. I believe that the internet is becoming a planetary meta-organism, but that it is up to us to guide its evolution, and to shape it into a space we actually want to inhabit—one that can understand and honour both the individual human and the human collective, just like real life does." By Jonathan Harris