Concept/Design Approach:
Hey, they even have a book now!
Jonathan Harris' work inspired me and open up my mind to the beauty of collective data. The visual representation of the data are simply beautiful and smooth. I really like the concept and the style of WeFeelFine:

Another project by Jonathan Harris that caught my eyes is I Want You To Want Me:
This time they used touch screen which allows the user to navigate the information. Same as the previous project, he used different methodologies to show different data and representations. I think both are amazing and effectively translate the story and details with impressive visual.
Other than that, his another work, The Whale Hunt. I like the way he tell the story by using the technology. He recorded his heart beats and take every photos for 5mins. If he gets excited and the heart beats faster, it will take more pictures. All the photos are compile with the data and visualize in a very stunning interface. Is like a non-linear movie telling story. As usual, he provided few modes for user to choose to view the information. Creatively awesome.

The Whale Hunt.
This is the project that trigger me to use my Arduino to create a physical interface that affects by the virtual world (web). The creator said that:" .. every time somebody visits my website, a LED light blinks once in my room, and i get a warm feeling of a visitor :)" I would like to create a physical environment/ art piece that affects by the web-based information.
Other than that, some of the similar methods are use for different approach and i think is interesting to research on too:
This is the approach that i trying to achieve, visually but i would like to use colors to represent different time, space:
This is how the virtual world affects the physical environment:
or another different approach of the physical feedback:
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