Sunday, November 22, 2009

Refined Proposal. Part 2

Research & Analysis

After much research and thinking, here are some of the technical aspects that I am going to look into for my installation:

Backend (Data Collection/Analysis):

I think i will use MySQL for data collection, management and storing purposes. It is a database management system. Besides that, the software is Open Source which means anyone is able to use and modify the software.

Not sure do i need this, but from the precedence study one of the artist did use this to collect data too. I think i will have a look at Perl cause it seems have an user-friendly interface. Perl is a general-purpose programming language.

Other than that, i think PHP and Java are important for the backend part too.

Frontend (Visual):

As for the visual part, I think that i can explore 3 possible softwares:

This is an open source programming language and environment for people who want to program images, animation and interactions. (Quote from the site) Slower than C++ but able to run on the web.

This is an open source simplified version of C++ for creative coding. Faster Java but does not work on the web.

Some example of what OpenFramework capable of:

And of course, Flash. Which i am more familiar with.

Physical Computing/Presentation:

An open source electronic prototyping platform, very flexible, easy-to-use hardware and software. I choose Arduino because of its capability to receive input from variety of sensors and able to affects its surrounding.

I think i going to use this in the physical interface part of my installation. I did some experiment with Khairul Anwar about the basic tutorial using my Arduino Duemilanove:

We did the basic tutorial and that little board amazed us. Definitely worth to explore more.

Since Khairul Anwar's post about Arduino experiment have more insight and ebooks about Arduino, i shall cut it short here. Check it out.