Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Go go go.

The IR transmitter and detector that i wanted are not available around Msia, even in sgbotic site. Might need to order it from US but the shipping cost a bomb.

For now, i bought another similar IR transmitter and receiver, hopefully it works. As for the installation, i have to really re-think and redesign it. Do not want to stranded away from my initial concept.

Will upload the progress asap.

Digital content; i need to get the value of the heartbeats only can able to visualize it. So for me i shall focus on the technical (scripting) part first. Space planning have to redesign too.

Need to speed up.


UPDATE(Feb 10th 2010):
Finally I got the reply mail from I asked them whether they can ship in the IR transmitter and detector. They said okay but will re-confirm (next shipment from Sparkfun in 2 weeks time) again with me later. S$3.00 each and S$15 for parcel service (FedEx).

Angpao mari mari.