What my content should be?
Line for my installation:
Wormhole connects two different space, heartbeats generate the communicate pattern.
From bit to heartbeat. Every bit you send, light up someone's heart. A sense of presence.
* Did experimented with the Arduino but lacking some equipment(IR emitter etc) to proceed with the heart beat sensor testing.
As for the art piece:
I wanted to make the artpiece similar to this:
Arduino + PHP + Led RGB from Bruno Soares on Vimeo.
This which require php knowledge which i not familiar with at all. Then after searching in google looking for more references, i stumble upon Pachube. Pachube is a web service that allows us to store, share and discover realtime sensor, energy or real-time data from objects, devices or buildings. (Refer from Pachube) I think is a very cool platform to experiment more on how the exterior environment affects the data. & they have very good tutorials too.

Connect with datastream~
Image via Pachube.com
Since Pachube is still in beta-test, invitation code is needed to sign up. I am still waiting for my invitation code from the admin. Cross finger!
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