During Tuesday class, Mr. Kok Yong asked us to discuss about the social/user behaviour in Malaysia and associate back with out project. The whole class shared their view and thoughts about the topic and Mr.Johari's presentation was the most funniest, about the typical stereotyping of races in Malaysia :)
As for me, the topic i chosen to talk about is the apathy and ignorance of Malaysian. Well not all Malaysian but most of the Malaysian i think. Well,i going to focus on the youth of Malaysia since i am one of them too. Here goes:

Apathy : Absence of emotion/enthusiasm
Image via here
After much observation and thoughts, i think that the youth in Malaysia are apathetic toward their own interests, communities or democratic issues. The government always talk about the nation building but without the youth of Malaysian to be involve in the crucial process of nation building, it will not going to take off anywhere soon. Apathetic and lethargic are the youngster biggest problem now, and the ignorant by the older generations. According to Don Speaker, in Malaysia, the norm was that youths " are to be seen but not heard" ( Wilfrido V. Villacorta
, 1981), in other words youths are given an almost if not equal rights, but their opinions and ideas are neglected as they are merely seen as "amusing" by the older generations.
Not just in the field of politic, we, Malaysian youth are more apathetic towards environmental issues compared to youth in other countries. Quote from Malaysia Today's Youth Trends, survey showed that countries such as Denmark and Netherlands are far ahead of us and they have deep instilled amount of moral ethnics among their nation. Other than that, the apathy and lack of knowledge in the context of social security, national news, happening around the worlds by most youngster are striking.
Youth in Malaysia only take actions if they are being dared or somebody intrude their own territories. Youth only became more pro-active if they get rewards in return. From the research by Fred E. Foldvary's (1998) The Progress Report, apathy, greed and ignorance are all related. "Greed depends on the absence of sympathy, and it benefits from ignorance about a social problems. Apathy can be reduced if there is less ignorance and less greed." So, do we gets the drive and energy to do something because of the return value or they are plain lazy to contribute their knowledge?
Partially, the alternative media or digitalized world and culture is the main concern for the globalisation apathetic among youth. We are more engaged in the virtual world than the reality, for example Facebook, Friendster, Myspace and Twitter rather than Rakan Muda. So to facilitate, government have to attract the youth attention by parallel with them in the technology sense instead of just the traditional, mundane methods. We can access to media and information easily in the tips of our finger. The convenience of technology makes us more passive, vocal to our own opinions and thinking.

Image via Lapsura.com
In my view, i think that the government and the media power in Malaysia did not use their influence vigorously. The government of Malaysia did not set a good example for the youth. The few past ridiculous scenes(politically) created by them were not a wise move to push ourself further in building a nation physically or mentally. The government is overprotecting the youth and the media just spoon-fed the outer shell of the information to us. Or is the lack of sincerity and honesty from the authority to support the youth make us more impassion in involving ourself with the surrounding? Even though in some other democratic country have the same apathy problem among their youths, "the voices and opinions of the youth are listened and respected, they are not merely "political amusement" but rather a collective voice of the future that must be listened to." (Cassini89, 2009)
Maybe the board of government and media afraid of the truth coming out from our mouth? According to Malaysia Mirror, "the government is considering the setting up of a Cabinet committee on youth representation." I hope there are no much restriction on freedom of speech and activities for youth.
"The youth constitute 40% of the Malaysian population (or 12 million people) and if they are not being cared for, the nation could crumble,"said Youth and Sport Minister Ahmad Shabery Cheek from Malaysia Mirror. Ahmad Shabery added there is no stopping the country from advancing if Malaysia's youth are vibrant, energetic and not afraid to take charge. The youth are the energy generator of the country. The government has allocated 1 million to the Malaysian Youth Council and RM50,000 each to the state councils for youth development in the country.
Let's all hopes the money are in good hands and actually make some movement for the youth to build a better creative and innovative space for us to explore and grow as a person.
------------ Oh ya --------------
Some suggestion, most of the youth are into alternative media than the normal " Hey come join this youth campaign~". When you choosing a cake, i bet you pick the one that looks good and tasty. Same goes to us, we all are visual animals. Just use a little of sugar coating to attract the youth attention will be a good start. For example, this website ApathyIsBoring.com, is nation(Canada) non-partisan projects that uses art and technology to educate youth about democracy. Seriously, the Rakan Muda "thing" need to be improve and "renovate".
Check out Malaysia's Youth Says if interested. ( Norman did showed us this before EveryoneConnects campaign). So is actually working a little ey? Blend in with the youth bahaviour is one of the best way to tackle the issue.
------------ Oh ya again ----------------
How is the issue relate back to my project? ( by the way i chose Idea #2 )
I am doing something about "Can the digital interface or computer express emotion and feeling?" Since youth nowadays are indifference or lack of emotion and feeling toward others, this phenomenon can be associate with computer. Human are like computer now, we just accept and deliver information, avoid error and hassle. Always looking for the best connection with the internet and not connection between human.
I hope with my installation, human can more in touch with their feelings and communicate back together regardless the time and space.
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